The Foundation
About Us
Fundación Compromiso is an organization that was born in 1994 with the purpose of helping to enhance the impact of social projects in Argentina and the broader region, carried out by NGOs, leaders, alliances between companies, the State, and social actors.
Inspired by Peter Drucker's work and philosophy for managing the knowledge produced by organizations to achieve social change across sectors, Compromiso helps change agents understand what they do, who they serve and how they do it, focusing on what they value and in the impact they achieve by doing so. Currently, Compromiso works jointly with impact investors in the region to generate and strengthen opportunities in the cultural, social and environmental fields.
Who Are We?
Carlos March
Journalist. Director of Knowledge Management Avina Foundation. Los Grobo Foundation Board Member, Legislative Director, CasaSan. Author of the book, “Dignidad para todos,” Temas Publishing House.
Evangelina Petrizza
Specialist in strategic intelligence of organizations, sustainability and impact finance. Responsible for the organization's corporate sustainability strategy, including the Pro Bono Services of Estudioen Estudio Beccar Varela. Former Executive Director of RADIM.
Alejandra Marano
Executive and artistic producer, content curator and programmer with experience in finance and planning. Specialized in environmental issues and the 2030 Agenda. Currently directs Construir TV and Construir Cine – ODS LAB at the Uocra Foundation. Mentor for Series Lab Ficción at Sanfic Chile and developer of the EcoVision Seal with the Brazilian NGO Panvision.
Carolina Biquard
Executive Director
Lawyer (UCA) and Postgraduate in NPO Management (NYC). Co-founder of Fundación Compromiso and first Executive Director. Former President of the National Endowment for the Arts and National Director of Creative Industries. Worked as a consultant in social investment for companies and in financing for social organizations.
Cora Pesiney
General Program Coordinator
Lic. Prof in Psychology UBA. Planning and management of sustainability, diversity, volunteering and gender projects. UBA university professor; UMSA and USAL.
Noelia Vega
Communications Director
Journalist and graduate in Humanities and Social Sciences. Postgraduate degrees in Strategic Management and Communication for Civil Society Organizations. Experience in government communication with social impact and international organizations.
Vanesa López
Administration and
Finance Coordinator
Business Management and Administration and Social Psychologist.
Joan Manuel Lorenzo
Digital Communication Manager
Digital Communication Specialist. Experience in strategy, production and generation of content in public and private spheres
Agustin Quinteros
Responsable de Diseño Gráfico
y Audiovisual
Diseñador gráfico profesional especializado en desarrollo de logotipos, identidades visuales, contenidos social media y piezas gráficas de impresión.
Miguel Pellerano
Vice President
Independent consultant in the environmental services sector. Former director of the Argentine Wildlife Foundation. Extensive experience in various environmental organizations and a long career in IUCN.
Paula España
Serial entrepreneur. Specialist in sustainable innovation. Masters in Sustainability from the University of Oxford. Part of the Sustainability Council of Arcos Dorados. Mentor and ESG specialist at the Oxford Foundry. Board member of Women of the Future. Member of Cambridge Labs at the University of Cambridge. Global Entrepreneur Dealmaker for the Department for International Trade of the UK Government.
Pablo Esses
25 years of experience in Business Consulting at PwC and IBM. Former CIO of Telecom Argentina and today Managing Partner of a Venture Capital Firm that invests in hi-tech startups that solve global problems.
Juan José Bertamoni
Director of Potrero Digital
Lic. in Sociology UCALP. Postgraduate in direction and management of social organizations UDESA. Postgraduate in Entrepreneurial Development UDESA. Previously a facilitator, director of institutional strengthening programs and coordinator of CSR projects at Fundación Compromiso.
Natalia Martínez
Operational Coordinator
Lic. Prof. in Psychology Lic. in Political Science (UBA). Masters in Public Policy and Development Management (UNSAM – Georgetown University). Experience working on CSR and Sustainability issues at UBA. Planning and management of sustainability, diversity, volunteering and gender projects. UBA university professor; UMSA and USAL.
Ignacio Muñiz
Technology Director
Senior systems, networks and infrastructure administrator. Experience in computer centers and cloud implementations. Worked on various projects as Project Manager managing teams and resources. Experience in projects with an accessibility framework.
Gabriela Molignano
Potrero Jobs Coordinator
HR, Career Counselor, part of teams focused on attracting IT & digital talent, diversity, and workplace inclusion.
Lucía Perelmuter
Director of Alliances and Strategic Investments
Graduate in Political Science (UBA). Master of Public Policy (DiTella University). Experience in the field of international relations and institutional articulation. Has worked in public management, strengthening strategic alliances and international ties.
Florencia Bermúdez
Asistente de Marketing
Licenciada en Periodismo con experiencia en marketing digital. Especialista en SEO y redacción para páginas web. Desempeñó el cargo de Community Manager en una ONG que visibiliza la perspectiva de género y apoyar a mujeres en situaciones de vulnerabilidad.
Juan Curutchet
Lawyer (UBA) and Master in Law (New York University). Former president of Banco Provincia of Buenos Aires, of the Latin American Association of Financial Institutions for Development and of Provincia Microcredits. Former VP of Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires and Director of PRISMA SA.
Daniel Marx
Bachelor in Economics (UBA). Executive Director of Quantum Finance. Active participant in forums and seminars specialized in finance, credit, macro and microeconomics and international economics.
Marita Carballo
President of Voices Consultancy. Full Member of the National Academy of Education. Vice President of World Values Survey Association. President of the Comparative Sociology Committee of the International Sociological Association. Counselor of the Economic and Social Council of Argentina. Former president of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. Former president of WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion). Former Global Director of Public and Social Opinion at TNS based in London. Former president of Kantar in Latin America. Former President of ICANA and Fundación Compromiso. Eisenhower Fellow. Former director of the Sociology department at the UCA. Has published several books and articles in scientific journals.
Luis Parenti
Director of Campinho Digital
Industrial engineer based in Brazil. Specialist in deployments of digital product operations seeking to demonstrate the value of their services and quickly adapt to Brazilian culture. Led the launch of Potrero Digital in Brazil and develops strategic alliances with local partners.
Justo Parenti
Director of Potrero Tech
Industrial Engineer (ITBA). Worked on various projects as Project Manager, managing teams and developing business strategies. Coordinator of Alliances with strategic partners.
Marina Ehrman
Director of Administration
and Finance
Bachelor of Administration (UBA). Consultant in project and business development. Worked in SMEs leading work teams in the areas of Administration, Commercial and Foreign Trade.
Marcela Guilligan
Director of Impact Management
Degree in Political Science. (M.B.A) Masters degree in business management (IAE) and in Research Methodology (Flacso). Professor of Sociology and Political Science.
Clara Videla Escalada
Coordinator of Alliances and Strategic Investments
Graduate in Public Relations and specialist in Educational Policies. Professional experience both in the management and development of educational projects in vulnerable contexts and in institutional strengthening and development of strategic alliances.
Bárbara Russi
Directora de Jornada Compromiso
Antropóloga y gestora cultural. Actualmente lidera la publicación Creatividad, Cultura y Capital de Fundación Compromiso y es parte de la Comisión Directiva de la Fundación Amigos del Teatro San Martín. Ocupo roles claves en el Fondo Nacional de las Artes y la Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación, y ha trabajado en el desarrollo de importantes proyectos culturales en Buenos Aires.