With the help of professional mentors, Digital Commitment offers private and public individuals or organizations of all sizes the following basic services:
Work arrangements may involve hiring services through Digital Commitment or setting up business internship programs for Potrero Digital students.
The Compromiso Foundation acts as a guarantor of students’ job performance during the first six months, as well as customizing equipment installation, carrying out the action plan, and doing the corresponding follow-up.
So far, almost 90 Potrero Digital students have applied to offer their professional services through Digital Commitment, of which 65% are between 17 and 35, 70% are women, and 30% are men.
Digital Commitment is a Compromiso Foundation initiative whose mission is to improve Potrero Digital students’ and graduates’ job opportunities by assisting them when they first start working or providing services. It offers a unique chance to join the digital labor market, something essential in challenging times, such as the current one.